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146.610 - Offset PL 114.8 W9AXD

147.000 + Offset PL 114.8 W9AXD

ATV input 1250 MHz/434 MHz W9ATN

Output 421.25 MHz-Cable Channel 57

146.805 - Offset PL 114.8 K9AMJ

224.4400 - Offset PL 118.8 K9AMJ

147.255 + Offset PL 114.8 WX9MCS

444.725 + pl 107.2 WX9MCS  Linked to FISHFAR

Area Repeaters File Get Google Earth

To download the file, press the button above and save the file to your desktop as Repeaters.kmz

Double click this file and it should start Google Earth with a display of area repeaters.

Area Repeater Listing